
Wednesday, May 16, 2018

March 2018 with the Kids

The weather in March was pretty ridiculous.  Natalia kept singing "winter wrap up, winter wrap up, because tomorrow spring is here"... except that it wasn't.

celebrating Dziadzio's birthday

We decided to get a second vehicle and figured a van would be best, so we could do some family trips, up to 7 people!
 In spite of avoiding gender stereotypes at all costs, it would appear that we have a "travieso" on our hands...

Our cool project: melting some crayons to make new, recycled crayons!

Visiting Jesus at the chapel.

Triduum Centerpiece
 Working on our Easter basket for the food blessing:

buttered lamb

at food blessing on Holy Saturday

potty training not going as well as expected

If you've watched Maya the Bee, maybe you can guess who this is...
Bodzio I jego kula smierdziula

Natalia's impromptu musical notes - no prior instruction.  Why we decided to enroll her in a proper music class.

refilling our holy water font

enjoying a snack with a nice view and natural light