
Sunday, May 28, 2017

Antonio's February & March

wanting to sit up
dejavu, anyone?
meeting Abuela
backyard picnic

loved much by big sis
first steps on the beach
my little munchkins
4 month check up with our pediatrician

just hangin around
helping with laundry
shopping is now an outing

some obligatory tummy time
gotta start that reading early!

learning to grasp things from big sis
my little goof
face off

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Antonio's first April

Antonio's placenta getting added to the kids' placenta palm.
Easter presents

Started sitting up in time for Easter
Reading his book "Jesus is my Friend"

enjoying bathtime
breaking in his high chair

wants whatever we're having
yummy toes

happy baby in cloth diaper
chilling on his potty at 5 months

everyone wants to drive

finally goes willingly into a carrier

first time in the grass
some naked time

got milk?
that's a neat sensation

tummy time (not his favorite)

munching on some bread, baby led weaning style
loves being included by big sis!

Natalka's Preschool April

Still in unschooling mode, though not for long.  Plans are in the works for a more intentional, guided early education, focusing on a holistic approach without premature academics.

Antonio's placenta going into the kids' palm.
Natalia's and Antonio's placentas are both buried in this little palm, as a reminder of how they nourished them and now help nourish the palm.

Gardening has begun! We are giving it a go!

planting green onion cutlings

Learning about grey water use.  Antonio's bath water being used to water our pine trees. Water conservation, baby!


Recently found out Natalka has a Sanguine temperament, which includes a need to be around other people.  Very social, I could've told you that.  Her favorite activity seems to be walking hand in hand with her friends!


Preparing for Easter with egg coloring and card making....

.... as well as helping with the traditional Polish Easter food basket, brought to church to be blessed.


Speaking of being blessed, here's our little Saint in the Making singing to Jesus in the Adoration Chapel and playing with her Resurrection cut-outs.


Spotted a bird on our nature walk
loves picking wildflowers
who doesn't love the sandbox

been asking for a bike...
touch screen art at the library
helping in the kitchen by cutting up mushrooms

private moment with Babcia via Skype
holding baby alligator at a homeschooling fair
learning to share with her baby brother