
Saturday, September 24, 2016

Preschool week 8

This will be the last weekly preschool post for the time being.  I think having two months of preschool progress and activities documented is enough for me to have figured out the sort of things we want to be doing, the sort of things we are doing, and where to go from here.  Perhaps I will go to monthly preschool posts, though with baby brother due in 2 months, that may not start until we're all sleeping regularly.


What I have gathered from these past 8 weeks is that unschooling preschool is the best approach for our family.  I wouldn't have known this without these documentation posts, though.  I see that I don't need to teach anything at this point, at least nothing academic, because the whole world is Natalia's oyster still.  Basically, my job in this realm for right now is exposure.  So I am surrounding her with text, both isolated letters and books, both children's and adult.  I am pointing out numbers of items and trying not to count, as I've learned that subitizing (recognizing groups of numbers without the need to count them) is the best way to lay a proper math foundation.

I'm including her in household chores whenever she is eager to help, usually with food prep and laundry.  Yesterday, I hung up a bunch of her clothes on the line and left her with a pile of clothes pins, and she pinned them all in by herself, without much prodding on my part. She hasn't wanted to feed the dog lately, but I think that's because she was getting tired of me double checking the amount and it frequently beeing too much or too little food.  But it's now a joint effort again, so that's good. These are all either math and/or fine motor skills in real world application.

I do see that I need to be focusing on habits, like independent play and certain manners, like knocking and waiting before opening a closed door, consistently putting her dishes away when they are prepped on the edge of the dishwasher, feeding herself again (works best when we preload the utencil or if it's something she is very excited about eating), putting her clothes where they belong - in the hamper if dirty, under her blanket if PJs, back in her drawer if she was laying out several when choosing that day's outfit (yes, she has done this!).  The biggest challenge of course is making sure that she is well prepared to transition into her role as big sister.  Judging by the fact that she includes her baby brother in daily life by talking to him, kissing the belly, playing peak-a-boo by covering my belly button or her face, and telling her toy friends about him, tells me that we are well on our way to success.  Of course, the real challenge will come once baby brother arrives, but it's good that I'm now aware that nothing academic will be even remotely as important as a proper adjustment to being the oldest instead of the only child.

So without further ado, here are a few photos of week 8.

We went to get a 3d/4d sono done, and Natalia greeted the sono tech and said goodbye, with a little prompting.  She didn't love having me on the bed, so I did end up picking her up and cuddling her on the bed.  I'm not sure how much she got that the image on the big screen was of her brother.  We tried to explain it.  It made us excited about his upcoming arrival!

She got a bouquet of carnations from a friend of daddy's at his birthday party.  We did flower arranging right away, and then she had shown him where we put it. Then we got a package from my grandmother from Poland with early birthday presents, including lacy doilies, so we found a great place for one of them under her bouquet. I'm going to call this art appreciation!  Or at least beauty appreciation!

And here she is showing how old she's turning at her upcoming birthday, with the presents that arrived from Poland. I'm going to call this math sense, not only because of the three fingers in the air, but also because she has been looking at her small calendar that she has on the fridge and finding her birthday on it, daddy's birthday, and telling her baby brother when he's allowed to be born, because she does not want to share her birthday with him!  I was not expecting her to take an interest in calendars this early, but she has. Yes, I should have taken a photo of her with her calendar, but I think she's starting to shy away from the constant photo shoots, and I don't want to stifle her in the moment by making a big deal out of everything.

Finally here she is getting familiar with her new abacus.  I pulled it out when she watched parts of a homeschooling webinar with me that dealt with building a strong math foundation.  I told her we were looking at an abacus and she was like, "I don't have an abacus", so I said I'd try to find one, and her eyes lit up!  So after the webinar, I got it out for her.  I'm going to modify it so that it fits the criteria that I learned about in the webinar, namely that the beads ought to be easily groupable by fives.  Then, we can work on subitizing.  For now, she has been counting on it (not quite accurately, but at this point, who cares), as well as naming the various colors.  Of course, she has been teaching one of her stuffed toys what to do with the abacus as well.

I noticed yesterday that when we first moved to this house five months ago, we set up her playroom for a toddler, but now, after several revisions, I'm seeing that it needs to become more of a preschooler space, whatever that means.  At the same time, it'll need to serve a dual function for her brother's stuff, so we'll need to keep many of the toddler aspects of it, but at the same time introduce a more developmentally appropriate preschooler arrangement for her. Perhaps whenever we figure out what that should look like, that will warrant an update post.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Preschool Week 7

Outside Time

We grab what we can in regards to outside time.  We are certainly not outdoorsy people at this point, at least I'm not, but I try to celebrate every occasion we have to be outside.

Getting a jalapeno plant for daddy's dinner.

Observing moss and tree roots.
Watching a far off bird soaring.

Watering our pine trees.
We made a rainbow!

Language Arts 

Tea time!
I've started our version of tea time during breakfast to help encourage Natalia to stay at the table and feed herself, as this has become a daily struggle for us.  I collected all the books that have poetry I can see us using later on for copywork and memorization, and I've started reading from them during breakfast.  Below, we had breakfast outside, and we read a fantastic book in Polish that was all in rhyme, with wonderful illustrations, and lessons in geography as well as some character formation.

Social Experiences

In addition to her weekly Skype session with my mom, the biggest socializing took place at the end of the week, during Daddy's birthday party.  Natalia was a champ, and has confirmed my suspicions that she is an extrovert, meaning she is energized by being around other people.  She met a ton of new people, and enjoyed spending time with some friends as well as family.


Nature Study

Growing cucumbers!  I bought a little kit at the dollar store and we prepped the soil and I had her push in the seeds and water them.  We essentially put it into a mini green house (closed plastic bag) and set it on her windowsill, where it's getting plenty of sunlight.  To our surprise, the seeds started to germinate within 48 hours!  Now a week later, there are five tall sprouts that she gets a kick out of checking on every day.  Here's hoping we are able to keep it going and end up at the harvest :)



Natalia pointed out the number "0" on her daddy's birthday card.  Unprompted.  We had recently read a numbers book a couple of times that starts with the number zero.  I'm loving how these early math skills are just sufacing on their own! She's got a solid hold on the number "1", pointing out she's got one dog, or there's only one cupcake.  We have been reading another book on numbers as well where we go through and point out on each page how many of some object are on any given page, which combines repetition of the number from that page.

Art & Music Appreciation

We put in a frame a print out of a lovely painting I found on A Well-Trained Heart, and we talked about it a few times.  I'll leave it on a low shelf for another week and then swap out the image. The idea is just to expose her to beauty.  We're not doing artist study per se right now.

We practiced singing the happy birthday song in English, Polish, and a little bit Spanish (it's too long still) in preparation for Daddy's birthday, which was on Friday.


We've been neglecting these as I've tried to figure out how to be more deliberate about the types of crafts we'll be doing.  But this week, we made a birthday card for Daddy!


She was also surprised by a bouquet of carnations from one of the birthday party guests, so we got to do some flower arranging as well!


We had a rough day early in the week, and upon reflection, I realized that I need to fill Natalia's love bucket before expecting her to feel comfortable playing independently.  So rather than trying to get through my to-do list first thing in the morning, I've started reading to her during breakfast (while pre-loading her spoon and encouraging her to feed herself - something she's stopped doing a few months ago, presumably a regression in anticipation of becoming a big sister), and then I give her my attention for about an hour before trying to do anything that would require her to entertain herself.

In related news, she's started wanting to go on the toilet more, and I've had to bring out the toilet seat reducer, something I thought we had another year before I'd need.  I still supervise her bc it's a bit flimsy, plus I don't like the idea of giving her free access to the bathroom without supervision for safety reasons (I'm thinking falls, as the cabinets are child-proofed).


Among the guests at Daddy's birthday party, there were two deaf coworkers.  Not only did Natalia get to see the entire office using sign language, but when one of the deaf coworkers came to say hello, she signed that she remembered him! It blew my mind!


Natalia got to practice her Spanish with someone other than Daddy.  She was able to see the usefulness of the language (just like ASL above) outside of just our home, by speaking Spanish with her aunt, uncle, and several cousins.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Preschool Week 6



Natalia has been helping me, as usual, with the various chores around the house.  Usually, it's something in the kitchen.  Here, she's rolling up baby sausages in croissants.
Not sure if I mentioned this previously, but she has started to be very independent with her potty routine.  She's been potty "trained" for over a year, since 18 months (ie. no diaper day or night while at home, and only a back-up pull-up on outings).  Around 2.5 yo, we finally got brave and quit using pull-ups all together, with zero accidents in or out of the house in over 3 months.  That said, she's recently taken it upon herself that there's no need to announce her need to go, or to request help or company (she would want books read to her during #2s).  She goes to her potty when she needs to, never says anything about it, and I have to learn to periodically check to see if the potty needs emptying!

Independent play hasn't been terribly succesful this week, we'll refocus again next week.


I've noticed that Natalia has been bringing us books to read at various times of the day, something she didn't really do much before.  She has her favorites that she likes to read over and over until they get old.  Then we rotate them out.  I try to humor her whenever she asks, if I'm not really tied up otherwise, to encourage this.  That said, I'm looking into story-telling as an aspect of literacy that I want to incorporate into our routine, which includes letting her tell the story without me literally reading the words on the page, and/or acting out what's going on in the story (forthcoming).

Reading with Daddy (+ outdoor time!)


I'm amazed how easily Natalia is picking up counting and actual numbers of things without formal instruction (imagine that!).  She still stumbles over the correct numerals-to-items, but she is very enthusiastic about it, so I am not going to squelch that with instruction!  Usually, she'll point to some group of objects with the correct (or incorrect) number of fingers and say the number out loud (which may or may not correspond to the number of fingers or objects!).  If one of those is correct, I say "that's right", and repeat the correct number.  If neither is correct, I just preface my correction with "silly goose" (a term of endearment she likes to use).  She is choosing counting books as well as bringing up numbers of real world things throughout the day.  For instance, she informed us a few times that we have only one dog.  On walks, she's pointed out how many dogs different neighbors are walking.  These are all self-initiated observations.

Color sorting finger puppets - her initiative
 I was pleased to see some (albeit limited, as usual) interest in blocks.  Above, she decided to pick out all yellow little blocks and put one on each finger.  She picked out all red ones for me to wear on my fingers.


The weather got hot and humid again, unfortunately, so we were unable to start daily walks as I had hoped.  But we did find a (dead) butterfly on our walk.  We carried it back home and put it on our rose bush, though we found it on the ground the next day.  We looked it up later to see what kind it was, but I must say that I'm going to have trouble with death-related facts of life when they are staring at me like this.  I teared up thinking about this dead butterfly, but I'm going to blame pregnancy hormones on that!
Found Red Spotted Purple butterfly
 We decided to make one last ditch effort to inspire Natalia to build with blocks, something I keep reading about as a stable in preschool aged kids and how much they love them.  We decided that perhaps if not her, her brother may be into blocks, so it was worth the $13 to get these.  She proved once and for all that an engineer she is not.  She used the blocks as phones to call her imaginary friends and she personified them into mommy and baby pairs, mostly.  Well, we tried.  It did prove that she is very imaginative, if there was any doubt before.
new foam blocks

Not much to report here.  After a couple of requests for dry erase markers so she can write on that side of her board, I've decided to leave them out for her and just need to remember to be checking that she's closing them all the way to prevent them from drying out too quickly.  She isn't using them on any forbidden surfaces, so that's good.  Below she is pointing to the belly button of the pregnant lady's tummy.  (I always ask what she drew, never assume.)

Own initiative: "pani z brzuszkiem" (lady with belly = pregnant lady)


I finally have some ASL photos to share!  We were excited to be clocking in some outside time on the hammock in the evening, after a thorough anti-mosquito spray down, when she spotted the crescent moon in the sky.  She proceeded to sign "moon" in its direction - something she learned from one of the Signing Time videos she watches periodically lately.

Signing "moon" when she spotted it in the sky.
Bonus: outside time!


I couldn't think of where exactly this should go, but it definitely deserves to be here, so I thought its own category might be most appropriate.  In preparing for her brother's birth, we have been watching both her birth video and birth videos online.  Last week, she started asking for scissors to "cut the umbilical cord" off all of her stuffed friends, and I figured it was only a matter of time before the pretend play evolved, and here it is.  Her largest stuffed animal, Giffy the giraffe, has been popping out babies left and right yesterday and today.  I have been assisting (by propping Giffy up, providing "pushing noises", and giving the relaxation cues from my HypnoBabies preparation).  There have been big sisters and big brothers, and explanations of why Mommy (Giffy) can't play with them right now (because she has to focus because she has a baby). She starts the birth play by checking the baby's heartbeat with her stethoscope, usually putting the ear of one of the big siblings on the tummy to hear as well.  After a bit of pushing noises (courtesy me), she says she sees the head, and next thing you know, she's putting baby on Giffy's tummy (at this point one of the big siblings magically transforms into the newborn) and covers mom and baby with a blanket.  She assists with nursing, after some time (I asked if it was time several times before she finally agreed), she cuts the cord, and finally, wraps baby up in a blanket.  I am just swelling with pride, and hope she is this calm and reasonable (!) at her brother's birth. :)

"I'm the midwife"
immediate skin-to-skin contact
helping with first nursing

cutting umbilical cord
wrapping up the newborn

Swimming classes started this week, with Daddy.  The next day, she pulled out her swimsuit from her little hamper and said it wasn't dirty.  Next thing you know, she's wearing it.  Hence, the photos above of her wearing a swimsuit for seemingly no reason.  

Natalia has also indicated that she is prone to cabin fever.  On our way back from an appointment, she asked where we were going and was disappointed to hear "home".  She asked to go to the store or restaurant!  Daddy obliged. We also had a grocery run where she and her dino helped put items in the cart, and a meal out where she noticed at the end the indoor playground and asked to go in the car they had up in the air.


We didn't start getting regular good weather yet, like I had hoped, so only the first couple of days did we spend any meaningful time outside.  Natalia has started to decide for herself if she finds it comfortable or too hot to be outside.  She lets Bigos (our dog) out through the deck and goes out to see if we can also go out.  When doing laundry, she wants to go out with me to hang up the clothes on the line, but after the first trip, she realizes how nasty hot it is, and opts not to join me on subsequent trips.  One day, she actually fell asleep on the sofa while I was getting the clothes.  It was naptime, and she said she was going to wait for me.  If only all falling asleep would be that easy! 

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Preschool Week 5

Natalia is enjoying bringing me or Daddy a few of her favorite books to read together.  We may need to be focusing more on bedtime reading, as she has gone potty independently several times without the usual "come read to me" request.  I've stopped rotating her books on a weekly basis.  Instead, if there's books she hasn't touched, I try to bring them to her attention at the start of week two, and keep reading whatever books are holding her current interest.  I'll play it by ear when we rotate.

Natalia is enjoying counting things and telling us how many of something there is, even if it's not always accurate.  She has been working on measuring, in particular with feeding the dog.  Yesterday, I noticed that she double checked herself the way I usually do.  After scooping a certain amount of dry food into Bigos's bowl, she poured it back into the measuring cup to see if it was indeed just one and not less or more.  Not sure what would've happened if it weren't the right amount, but it was an interesting development. An interesting development in currency awareness included finding a lucky penny (twice!) on our walks and putting it in her horsey-bank.
just added her lucky penny to her bank
I was interested and pleased to find that she liked perusing the "general store" window at the playground, and we began a simple goods-for-currency exchange game where I ordered something, and then asked how much it was, and pretended to give her that much.  I was pleased to see she alread has a rudimentary idea of currency.

This week, we lucked out with a couple of days of great weather, so we clocked in some serious-for-us outside time.  This included meals on the deck, one of which led to a rainbow discovery.

It also included a trip to the playground when there weren't other kids to compete with, and we talked about some of the workers we saw - a man cutting the grass, a man picking up the trash, the sewage truck emptying the porta-potty.  


We also observed a toad, ants, mushrooms, tried to follow a bird, smelled roses, and picked various goodies for her treasure chest in her nature corner.

Can you spot the toad?  It just jumped into the grass.

When she saw Daddy working on the sidewalk, she jumped up and exclaimed that she wants to get her shovel, which she promptly did, and began helping.


We observed her plant, in particular noting that when she overwatered it, the excess was stored in the base container but was soaked up by the next day. 
A bit of Reggio Emilia inspiration, nature's treasure chest goodies and a mirror.
Bubbles and sidewalk chalk completed our outdoor activities.

Natalia continues to surprise me with new signs she picks up whenever she watches the available Signing Time videos.  She uses certain signs along with the oral word in one of her languages often unprompted.

I've not organized any artsy-crafty activities this past week.  Still need to get some real-world ideas from my mom.  For sensorial, there was water play, both in the tub and in the kitchen sink.

She also often helps me with meal prep, and this week it included mixing flour and egg to make nalesniki (crepes), something she didn't love as it dirtied her hands!  She likes cracking eggs and handing them to me to empty into the bowl.

Also with sensory experience, I'll have to mention that one of our outdoor times was spent barefoot, her request.

I'm loving it when she participates with me in my daily yoga practice.  She likes to point out when I'm not following the instructor exactly.  Her favorite poses involve a chair.  We've also started dancing, but she doesn't seem quite as excited about it as I had hoped.  She does dance a little with her "sisters" (four main toys - a dino puppet, a plastic triceratops, a stuffed kitty, and a stuffed reindeer).

About to eat an apple found on a walk (under an apple tree).
We had a vet appointment this week, and she was very interested in the injuries of one particular dog that was there, as well as the three small dogs riding in a stroller.  We also met with my midwife.  In the waiting room, there were other kids, older, playing, but she seemed to not be interested in interacting with them much.  Which, if you consider what I'm rereading right now in "Hold Onto Your Kids: Why Parents Need to Matter More than Peers", is nothing to worry about and in fact something to be glad about.

This is still a work in progress.  Some days are better than others.

My biggest challenge right now is getting Natalia to feed herself.  We used the baby-led weaning approach, so her current refusal to feed herself must be a regression in light of becoming a big sister soon.  We have observed her putting her shoes away and some of her toys away, completely unprompted by us, which is wonderful!

Don't look surprised, but this may not make it onto my permanent list after all.  Yes, we made it outside thanks to weather permitting, but I'm not going to shoot for no 4-6 hours daily.  2 I think is plenty, on most pleasant days.

I'm not sure if tea time is for me, as I'm not a very formal person.  The idea of making something fancy just for the sake of making it fancy, eh.

I'm also having second thoughts about the need to play classical music regularly, or read poetry or the Bible.  There are rhymes in some of the books in her regular book rotation, so I think that is sufficient.  And she hears me reading some of my prayers and a Scripture verse every morning as part of my morning prayer, so she does hear God's word, and it's a bit more contextualized, as she knows I'm talking to Jesus, and when I'm quiet and have my eyes closed, I'm listening to Him.

Natalia has not wanted me to sing much of anything lately.  At night, she insists on stories instead of singing, so there's been no hymns incorporated.  I'm thinking I'll add this to my own regular prayer time, and expose to them that way.

Just like with classical music, I'm having second thoughts about needing to do a proper art study.  I don't know what all the classics are, and is my life really that much less rich because of it?

I still have to talk to my mom about the real-world crafts we can plan.

I'm not much of a game person, so I haven't looked into those yet.

Practically speaking, what I really need to be focusing on right now with Natalia is as follows:
* independent play
* self-feeding
* dealing with apparent start of self-weaning (note I said "dealing with", not necesarily "encouraging" - this warrants its own post sometime soon)
* figuring out some sort of workable sleeping "schedule", to nap or not to nap, and a consistent bedtime/wakeup perhaps? (this is in part related to the self-weaning, so should be covered together)
* preparation for her brother's homebirth
So as you can see, there's no reason to complicate things with premature academics when real-world learning is in order :)