I haven't forgotten about Hodgepodge Parenting. I'm just trying to figure out the best way to proceed. I'm maintaining another blog and considering joining the two, so that's one issue. Another is that uploading and captioning our little girl's photos every month is very time consuming. I may go ahead and do so in more infrequent intervals. Finally, I had started a YouTube channel that has an uncertain future right now. All in all, since the different venues had different audiences in mind originally, they have different levels of anonymity built in (you can see my lovely mug in my YouTube channel and here [and more importantly, you can see my little darling here!], but I'm much more free-flowing and open with my thoughts in my other blog).
I like to wait for inspiration before undertaking a project, because then I enter the realm of synergy and flow, and time stands still and I get the most out of timing it that way. If I force a project, it feels - and looks - well, forced.
At any rate, I have no new content ready at the moment, but did want to check in with this update.
Just for good measure, my little darling having a meal at Babcia's. |
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Thanks for your comment! I will be sure to add it just as soon as it is reviewed. Thanks for your patience! :)