Baby knows best
don't rush through the care-taking activities but rather enjoy them and use them to talk to baby
slow down in general and in particular when moving baby
let baby have some uninterrupted time just laying down and observe him
It's not about the broccoli
the important thing is to teach lifelong healthy eating habits, not to ensure a certain nutritional intake
moderation, variety, proportion
expose and keep exposing child to a variety of tastes and textures
allow child to get in tune with their own inner hunger cues and do not insist on eating
growing food, fun food, junk food - seek a balance with the majority of food being growing food
Creating a beautiful mess
blocks (and puzzles?) are essential for future STEM skills
messy play includes a mess with noise or light, and the bathtub is a good place for textured messes
Living Simply with children
TV is bad because of the exposure to commercials, which breed materialistic desires
Violence and values contrary to ours (including sexual inuendos) are common in even children's programming
The more time is spent in front of the tv, the less time is spent doing other (productive or relationship-building) things
TV is addictive and brings on a trance-like state
Too many toys leads to a sense of entitlement, boredom, confusion, and an association of love with material things
Simple family traditions like Family Night, which include games or outdoor time (screen-free) are essential
Never say we can't afford something. Say we're choosing to spend our money on something else, eithre because we think it's more important for us, or because of the human or environmental impact the item has
Free to Learn
Humans were originally hunters-gatherers. Children in these societies learn the skills they need in their culture through free play. Adults are a lot more care-free as well.
Education is relative to the culture in which one lives. What skills and knowledge a child will need vary.
Learning to read is only so stressed in mainstream society because all other formal (academic) learning in school is based on reading. In real life, one can learn as much and much more without having to read about it!
It's not necessary for every child to learn the same things, since we are no longer in an industrial society. The future belongs to creative innovators, something that is not - and cannot be - taught in school.
The best curriculum is one laid out by the child's individual interests.
Homeschooling: a family's journey.
The ecclectic approach is king!
Travel is a great educator.
The parents' personality traits will influence our approach.
It will be essential to find "extracurricular" activities for "socialization" as well as to broaden the kids' horizons.
7 spiritual laws for parents
Daily meditation of 15 minutes twice daily is a goal for adults
Children can be eased into it by adolescence.
Time in nature is essential to connect to God.
We must detach from the idea that we are separate from others. We are all manifestations of the Source.
Don't try to steer the river! (Go with the flow, the less resistance, the happier the life)
Beyond the sling
recap of all the attachment parenting practices I'm familiar with and in agreement with (even elimination communication!)
gentle discipline practices discussed
the importance of being present for one's children reiterated unapologetically
Interesting to hear how down to earth Mayim is :)
More than happy
Happiness as not the goal but the side-effect of the Amish style of parenting
The importance of the family being central to a child's life
The value of community
Parenting Beyond Pink and Blue
I thought I knew what I was doing to try to stop the perpetuation of gender stereotypes and raise my kids without the limitations imposed on us according to our genders. Turns out there's more I can do, and there's some things I can't do. One thing that I notice in every book on parenting I read, whether it is explicitly stated or not, is that sending my kids to school would exacerbate whatever problem the book is discussing. So at least we have a leg up on the problem by avoiding the stereotype-laden school system. Tell me again how my kids should be "socialized" into gender-based stereotypes because this will help them live a more fulfiling life. Go on, tell me.